Fifth Work Anniversary at IBM Quantum

It’s that time of the year again. Hard to believe, but I’ve already been at IBM Quantum for five years. Five years is a long time, especially these days when people switch jobs every year or so. This is my second longest affiliation ever, including my studies and work. The longest was at Nanyang Technological University, where I spent 5.5 years (six-month bridging course, four years undergrad, and a year as a research assistant). I changed primary schools, left my PhD after 3.5 years, so I have never stayed anywhere outside NTU longer than five years. ...

March 2, 2025

Third Work Anniversary at IBM Quantum

It’s that time of the year again. Today is my third working anniversary (actually I am exactly 1 week late). It’s hard to believe that it has been 3 years since I started working at IBM Quantum. But at the same time, the last 3 years felt like a lifetime, I guess it’s not just for me, but also most people in the world. When I started working in March 2020, COVID just started and no one could anticipate that it would evolve into a global pandemic. Well, the good news is that, 3 years later, we have learned to live with it and things are getting back to normal though the “norm” will never be the same. ...

March 9, 2023

First Work Anniversary at IBM Quantum

Today is my first work anniversary at IBM Quantum. I figure it’s a good occasion to pause for a moment and reflect what I have done and learned in the past one year. Highlights I mind you that this blog post is very lengthy. So I want to start off with some highlights of the things I have done (in no particular order). 😱😱😱I have reached the peak of my life. Thanks the like @PeterShor1 !!! ...

March 2, 2021

From Qiskit Camp to Qiskit Hackathon @ Singapore

Qiskit Hackathon @ Singapore Participants & Organizers Last weekend (11–12 Oct), over 40 participants had great fun hacking in Singapore with IBM Qiskit coaches from Tokyo and New York. This was the first ever community-driven Qiskit hackathon, organised by Evon Tan (CQT), Anurag Saha Roy and myself with technical support from IBM Qiskit team. The event was held at the Centre for Quantum Technologies (CQT). ...

October 17, 2019

Qiskit Camp 2019

Qiskit Camp 4am Club 在一个偶然的机会下,我受邀请参加IBM组织的第一届Qiskit Camp。这活动正好安排在March Meeting之前,所以我开会顺便就去参加了。 Qiskit的架构 Qiskit是IBM开发的基于Python的开源量子编程库。这个库包含好几个子库,名字都是拉丁语的元素,很有意思。Terra是土元素,有奠基的意思。Terra是Qiskit的基础,最基本的东西都在里头。Aer是气元素,用来模拟量子计算机。Aqua是水元素,包含很多量子算法,特别是量子化学。Ignis是火元素,用来模拟噪声和错误。官方介绍请点这。最近新开了一个专栏,打算专门写量子计算相关的文章。应该会写一两篇Qiskit的教程,虽然我也只懂些皮毛。 我大NUS的Logo竟然被放到最中间! 这次活动一共有135人参加,来自19个国家,48个大学,9个研究所,5家量子初创公司。我拉着实验室同学一起去。这样一来,NUS就有六个人参加,估计是所有大学里人数最多的。(所以NUS的Logo放在最中间^_^)Qiskit Camp的第一天在纽约州Yorktown的IBM J. T. Watson Research Center举行。这天的主要目的是教会所有人怎么用Qiskit。参会的大部分人都没怎么用过Qiskit,而用过Qiskit的小部分人参加自发组织的Unconference,当场提出一些课题进行讨论。IBM官方活动总结请点这。 IBM Fellow名人堂 唯一可以拍照的稀释制冷机 稀释制冷机不只是个摆设,下面似乎还装着芯片。可惜手机不给力,看不清芯片里是不是量子比特。 第一天的Workshop结束以后的当天晚上,IBM把我们载到300公里以外的佛蒙特州的深山雪林里的小黑屋(误)里,把所有人分成3到5人的小组,进行24小时的Hackathon。我和两个科罗拉多大学的本科生组队,在一个IBM资深程序员的带领下,搞了一个量子版的“经典”游戏《乓》:QPong。 佛蒙特州是滑雪胜地,到处都是雪。 QPong游戏界面 QPong通过量子电路来控制挡板位置来把小球反弹回去。目前的版本有三个量子比特,有八种本征态,对应着挡板的八个位置。小球未到达挡板之前,挡板可能出现位置的概率用透明度表示。当小球到达挡板区域,量子电路实现的量子态被测量,得出的结果决定挡板最终位置。量子电路可以实现的量子门有X,Y,Z,Rx,Ry,Rz,Hadamard和CNOT。游戏是用Qiskit和Pygame实现的,源代码放在Github。运行之前需要安装Qiskit、Pygame和Matplotlib。推荐安装PyCharm来运行。如果你们感兴趣,可以一起开发这个游戏。目前游戏还是非常简陋。电脑玩家完全随机,非常地笨。未来还打算添加双人游戏、量子比特数量升级等等。也可以修改成量子打砖块,趣味性就更强了。

March 14, 2019